Here are our rates for your unforgettable moments. From traditional massage to four-hand massage provided by a sexy pair of females, our various services will meet your special requests and leave you feeling satisfied.

* The price is for the room only.


30 minutes à 50$
45 minutes à 60$
60 minutes à 70$
90 minutes à 90$
120 minutes à 120$


30 minutes à 60$
45 minutes à 70$
60 minutes à 80$
90 minutes à 110$
120 minutes à 140$

Couple / 4 hands

30 minutes à 75$
45 minutes à 90$
60 minutes à 110$
90 minutes à 170$
120 minutes à 200$


ATM / Cash

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Work with The Top Rated Longueuil Massage Salon.

Massage Azul

Massage Azul is a new administration of an old massage parlor on Chemin Chambly in Longueuil . We are focusing to become the number one Massage on South Shore and offering the best place to get a massage for men, couples massages and women’s . If you’re looking for discretion, respect and diversity, we are the place you need.

Confidentiality Policy

At Azul Massage, confidentiality Policy for employees and owners respecting the privacy of our clients, is our primary concern.

No personal information will be asked.

Personal information is confidential and should not be disclosed or discussed with anyone . Any document or security video will be deleted every week. We guarantee discretion and respect.

Massage Longueuil

Visit us, so we can show you what a nice ambiant should feel like. Our beautiful friendly attendants will take care of you during your visit. And our equipped massage parlor will make your problems float away with a nice relaxing adult massage.

Contact Massage Salon #1 in Longueuil, Massage Azul, today!


Monday : 10:00 AM - 00:00 PM

Tuesday : 10:00 AM - 00:00 PM

Wednesday : 10:00 AM - 00:00 PM

Thursday : 10:00 AM - 2:00 AM

Friday : 10:00 AM - 2:00 AM

Saturday : 11:00 AM - 2:00 AM

Sunday : 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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